Lurkin' with Raffin | Hot Moppin' at Dawn and Street Thrashin' by Day Creature Skate Video

Lurkin' with Raffin | Hot Moppin' at Dawn and Street Thrashin' by Day Creature Skate Video

"Raffin can be best described as "your favorite skater's favorite skater", but when he's not out rippin' around the Bay Area, he's putting in work as a true Blue Collar Professional skater. Lurk with Pete on the job Hot Moppin' by morning and Street Thrashin' by day."

Courtesy of Creature Skateboards

"He works his ass off, and he skates so well ! Much respect to Peter"

"Raffin is a true killer! I mean "God save the label" was about 15 years and he's still ripping"

"As a fellow San Jose skateboarder I used to see Peter rip back in the day at local parks. I don’t really skate much anymore (trying to get back into it) but it’s awesome to still see him killing it out there. Definitely buying a board to support."

"So gnar mad respect for ppl like raff work construction type jobs still find the time to go shred fuck yeah dude"

"Love the content. Crazy good footage, creature underrated as always"